New Journal Matches Student with Faculty Member to Highlight Issues on Global Health
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GOAL: The NGDI Student Global Health Journal is a new, cross-disciplinary publication created and published by student members of the NGDI. Articles in the journal will be written by students and edited by a paired expert UBC faculty member. The journal will focus on a wide range of topics pertaining to global health. This bi-annual publication will foster student interest and participation in global health research by allowing students a chance to work directly with a faculty mentor to produce a journal article, which will be published and accessible through the UBC library and the NGDI website.
Background and Objectives: Since its formation, the NGDI has been a growing force in the neglected global disease research at UBC. The NDGI Student Global Health Journal will provide a platform for students to explore many disciplines and contribute to the global health community. The journal will also give students the opportunity to participate in cross-disciplinary projects through partnership with NGDI associated faculty mentors.
Timeline for Publication: The journal will be published bi-annually, with the first edition published January 2014, and the second addition in September 2014. Abstract submissions for the first publication will open for the month of October and articles will be due December 10th to allow adequate time for mentor pairing and review. The journal will be published online, through the UBC Circle System, and will also be available on the NGDI website.
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