On Friday, October 21, 2011, NGDI held their third Distinguished Lectureship Seminar in the Old Auditorium on campus. Guest speaker Stephen Lewis, co-director of AIDS-Free World, spoke for an hour on neglected global diseases, followed by a period for Q&A. Around forty guests were invited to attend a private reception afterwards. Below are some images taken from the event.
Please see the article of Mr. Lewis’ presentation here.
Kish Wasan, Stephen Lewis, Helen Burt (Vice President Research & International Office) and Hon. Keith Martin (Former Member of Parliament).
Stephen Lewis, co-director of AIDS-Free World, speaking on neglected global diseases.
The crowd in the Old Auditorium on Memorial Rd.
Dr. Annalee Yassi posing a question for Stephen Lewis during the Q&A period.
Stephen Lewis listens attentively before answering questions.
Stephen Lewis speaking with Michael Hayden, Executive Director of the Centre for Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics
Murray Isman, Dean of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and Irene Day of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS with Stephen Lewis.
Stephen Lewis speaking with Jonathan Smith, director and producer of They Go to Die.
Graduate students of UAEM and Science Biotechnology Network, Sonja Babovic, Jonathan Edwin, Jennifer Choi, Kimberly Girling, and Ben Horsman with Stephen Lewis.