A new Global Health Commentary has been posted online for early review on the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The authors are Jo-Ann Osei-Twum, Graduate Student and Dr. Kishor Wasan, Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director, Neglected Global Diseases Initiative at UBC.
Abstract: Ensuring the health of street-involved children is a growing public health challenge. These children are vulnerable, neglected, and rarely a priority for basic service providers and governments. Sizable populations of street-involved children are present in major urban areas worldwide and current trends in urbanization suggest these populations will grow in the coming years. Although migration offers employment and training opportunities, the health and wellbeing of children is negatively impacted by their interactions with the streets. However, systemic barriers may also prevent these children from achieving an adequate health status. The situation of street-involved children in Ghana, West Africa will be discussed.
Link to full article.