The NGDI-UBC is pleased to offer four travelships for eligible students presenting papers at the 2011 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition to be held on October 23-27th in Washington DC. Dr. Kish Wasan is the Chair-Elect for the AAPS Pharmaceutical in Global Health Focus Group: for more information on this group click here.
Graduate and undergraduate students presenting papers pertaining to Pharmaceuticals in Global Health are eligible to apply.
The award consists of up to $750 per student.
Eligibility criteria:
Recipients will be selected from all applicants who meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Currently enrolled as a full-time student.
- Member of AAPS since March 2011 or earlier.
- First author of an accepted abstract pertaining to Pharmaceuticals in Global Health.
- Have the paper accepted by one of the nine AAPS sections for presentation at the 2011 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition to be held in Washington, DC (October 23-27) which the student will be presenting.
- Have no other means of supplemental support to attend the meeting.
- Be present at the Pharmaceuticals for Global Health Focus group annual business meeting (date to be announced) in Washington, DC to receive the award.
Selection criteria:
Applicants whose submitted papers are not accepted by the Paper Screening Committee will be removed from the eligible pool before the award selections are made.
- An award sub-committee assigned by Pharmaceuticals for Global Health FG chair will perform the selection as follows:
Pre-selection of abstracts already accepted by the AAPS screening committees for relevance to Pharmaceuticals in Global Health - Make final selection from the short list.
How to apply:
An online Travelship Application form must be submitted to AAPS at the following link: no later than July 25, 2011.
The reimbursement will be issued to the selected individuals following the meeting upon receipt of documented meeting expenses (e.g., copy of airline ticket, hotel and meal receipts, etc.).