UBC Tropical and Geographic Medicine, Intensive Short Course

The main purpose of the course is to offer a training opportunity for health professionals to learn an approach to preventing, diagnosing, evaluating, treating and managing people with tropical diseases. This course is the first of its kind in Western Canada. Nearly 100 physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals have successfully completed this course.


Professors Nick Day and Phaik Yeong Cheah of the University of Oxford will join the 2017 course faculty. Please see details in the course brochure

Course objectives

Through didactic lectures, interactive problem-solving discussions and practical laboratory teaching, attendees will learn:

  • a clinical approach to the evaluation and management of tropical diseases;
  • practical laboratory skills, with a focus on the identification of parasites important for the diagnosis of tropical disease;
  • public health principles and applications including outbreak management.

The course emphasizes three broad areas: (1) Clinical Tropical Medicine; (2) Parasitology; (3) Public Health. Participants will gain knowledge and skills in:

Clinical Tropical Medicine

  • Understanding of epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, complications of major tropical diseases;
  • A clinical approach to evaluating patients presenting with diseases acquired in the tropics;
  • Skills in the diagnosis and treatment of important tropical diseases.
  • Emphasis will be placed on communicable tropical diseases with large global burden of disease.


  • Understanding of the lifecycles of clinically important parasites with respect to transmission and control;
  • Understanding of the development of parasites within the human body and the corresponding clinical symptoms and pathology;
  • Microscopy skills to diagnose various blood and gastrointestinal parasites.

Public Health 

  • Understanding of tools for health assessment and surveillance in the developing world;
  • Understand the importance of identifying and working with stakeholders and governments overseas;
  • Review an approach to outbreak investigation;
  • General approach to preventing and controlling infections within a community using modalities such as immunization and environmental health intervention;
  • Practice in application of community infection control through problem solving exercises.

Date: May 1-5, 2017

Location: Vancouver Campus, TBD

Registration Required: Course fee discount until April 1, 2016.

Details: Tropical & Geographic Medicine Intensive Short Course