UBC Prominent in WIPO Re:Search Partnership Report
We congratulate all five UBC researchers for their collaborations and contributions to WIPO Re:Search and working to develop interventions for neglected global diseases.
UBC Global Health Online Network
Do you want a place to connect with other UBC members interested in Global Health? Do you have a question that you’d like to ask an expert? New Online Network coming soon.
New weapon in the fight against malnutrition
UBC scientists have opened the doors to new research into malnutrition by creating an animal model that replicates the imbalance of gut bacteria associated with the difficult-to-treat disease.
NGDI awarded Peter Wall International Roundtable 2015
Ethical Implications in Ebola Research and Development: Does This Change Everything for Neglected Diseases?
Biomedical Engineering Student Team Public Debriefing
The team brought back potential projects for improving the existing medical technology and solving some clinical challenges.
UBC Engineering Students Contributing to Global Health
Replacing bolt cutters, device offers better patient recovery.
UBC’s Ebola Action Fund supports Engineering Student Project
Funding will support The Biomedical Engineering Student Team (BEST).
Rapid test to diagnose severe sepsis
A test could help doctors diagnose sepsis and begin treatment earlier.
NGDI Distinguished Lectureship Seminar featuring Dr. Peter von Dadelszen
join us on October 22, 2014 from Noon – 1:00 pm, reception to follow.
Sepsis kills over 6,000,000 children in developing world: App-device could help save them
One World Sepsis Day solution from NGDI Member Mark Ansermino!