Grand Challenges Canada – Explorations: Canadian Rising Stars
This program aims to tap into the creativity, knowledge and skills of young Canadian Scientists. The application deadline is March 7th, 2011.
NGDI Associate, Dr. von Dadelszen receives $7M Gates funding for PRE-EMPT
UBC researchers working at the Child & Family Research Institute will test new strategies for the monitoring, prevention, and treatment of pre-eclampsia.
Call for Proposals: Muskoka Initiative Partnership Program
CIDA is launching a $75 million call for projects over $500,000 to address maternal, newborn, and child health under its Partners for Development Program.
CFRI Postdoctoral Fellowship – Vaccines against Neglected Global Diseases
The Kollmann laboratory, based at the Child and Family Research Institute (CFRI) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The application deadline is January 15, 2011.
Dr. Tobias Kollmann heads structured collaboration with Advaxis, Inc.
Kollmann lab agreement with Advaxis worth $465,000 over five years.
Advaxis & Kollmann Lab to Collaborate on Infectious Disease Vaccines
International Fellowship Training Program
New Global Pediatric Infectious Diseases (GpID), International Fellowship Training Program
See posting under Education/Training.
VP Research & International Support for NGDI-UBC-Banaras Hindu University Initiative
Originally published on June 4, 2010 The NGDI-UBC has been awarded an International Research Collaboration Workshop Grant in the amount of $10,000 by the Office of the Vice President Research & International. This is support of a collaboration between NGDI-UBC and Dr. Shyam Sundar of Banaras Hindu University, India. Dr. Sundar is an expert on […]
NGDI Associate receives $300K funding for 3 year Dengue Study
Originally published on May 31, 2010 Principal Investigators Jerry Spiegel (UBC School of Population and Public Health), Jaime Breilh (Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Ecuador) and Efrain Beltrán (Universidada Técnica de Machala), are meeting capacity-building and scaling-up challenges to sustainably prevent and control Dengue Fever in Machala, Ecuador. The project aims to evaluate the effectiveness, cost […]
CIHR grant for malaria research awarded to NGDI Associate, Dr. Rosemin Kassam
Originally published on March 18, 2010 NGDI -UBC is pleased to announce that Dr. Rosemin Kassam is the recipient of a CIHR Catalyst Grant in Primary and Community-Based Healthcare. Dr. Kassam’s project will partner with Makarere University (Kampala, Uganda) to develop a community program for reducing malaria related child mortality in Uganda.
CPDD/Gates foundation lends support to UBC-developed meds
Originally published on September 29, 2009 The Consortium for Parasitic Drug Development (CPDD) has announced an initial funding of more than US$180,000 to iCo Therapeutics to assist its development of Prof. Kishor Wasan’s oral delivery of the drug Amp B. Used to treat Visceral Leishmaniasis, VL, a parasitic disease that is typically transmitted by sand […]